The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Your Own Outdoor Weather Station

Most people know that the forecast is not always accurate, and to be sure what time of year it is, you have to check outside. More than that, it is important to check the weather to be sure if you’ll need a jacket and umbrella or not. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get accurate and reliable weather data from home? The following are things you need to set your own outdoor weather station at home:


Buying a weather station is simple, but you have to know what type of thermometer you’re looking for. There are three types of thermometers:

The first one is the individual mercury-based thermometer with 0.5 mm resolution that gives you the best readability and accuracy for your measurements. It doesn’t have any battery and is powered by heat itself. The next type is an electronic thermometer with a probe to take temperature readings and a separate digital display to show the data. The last one is a mercury-free thermometer that uses electronic sensors rather than technical thermometers.


The barometer is used to measure the pressure in the atmosphere. It’s also called an “aneroid barometer” and measures atmospheric pressure in millibars. It’s a very accurate and reliable device; however, it needs careful handling to be free of contamination and being broken.


A wind vane is used to measure wind speed by simply rotating with the wind direction. They are not accurate devices and have several limitations, but they can help you to get an idea of what the wind speed is outside without spending too much money on something more precise. Anemometers are mechanical instruments used to measure wind speed on Earth’s surface or above it with great accuracy. They are widely used to determine the velocity of wind, barometric pressure, and meteorological information when flying a plane. The anemometer’s essential parts are the hub, the vane (usually a propeller), and some type of mechanism attached to regulate the oscillations caused by driving it. The vane is an aerodynamically designed moving part that is generally made of metal or plastic.


Checking the Weather Underground (Wunderground) website, you’ll notice that measuring precipitation is very important in tracking weather forecasts and reports. For your rainfall observation needs, you can make use of a simple rain gauge. The rain gauge is designed to measure the amount of rainfall during a given period. One of its main disadvantages is that it can be easily filled with snow and ice, which makes reading difficult. Additionally, the baffles inside must be removed from time to time to clear them out.

Rain gauge measures precipitation in mm/h or inches/hour and is available in two types: the standard one for outdoor use and an indoor one for measuring precipitation inside buildings.


Wind is a meteorological phenomenon caused by the uneven heating of the surface of Earth, which then drives the atmospheric pressure gradients that results in the winds. To measure this wind speed, you can use anything you can find at home or find on local stores.

The most simple way to measure wind speed is to use a tree or any other obstacle as an indicator. The indicator measures how long it takes for a leaf or blade of grass to pass by. This method is not very precise and not always available (you have to have a tree nearby).

Gathering accurate data is very important for tracking the weather. You can set a home weather station easily if you know what to buy, where to buy it and how to use it. As seen above, there are many types of instruments that can be used to monitor different aspects of the environment at home. Many of them are affordable, easy-to-use and reliable enough to give you the information you need when checking the weather.