Why you need mobile breathing rate sensor.

Mobile apps are a big part of daily life. We use them to catch up on the news, chat with friends and check our finances. Several studies have found that as many as 77% use their smartphones as an alarm clock at night.

So why not monitor your breathing rates using a mobile breathing rate sensor? This article will give you reasons why having a sensor for this is so great.

1) Monitor your sleep quality

Your sleep plays a very important role in your health – it can even affect weight gain and loss! Your breathing rate changes throughout the night, but if you have an irregular sleeping pattern, then it’s going to be hard to keep track of what could be causing any issues or problems during slumber hours.

2) Track stress levels

When you feel stressed, your breathing rate changes, there are several mobile apps for this, but it’s worth noting that if you need help coping with your stress, there are plenty of options out there to keep you feeling calm and collected.

3) Monitor asthma, COPD, and other lung conditions

Some mobile health apps can monitor asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or another type of lung condition by using a sensor that attaches to your phone. If you’re trying to track the effects of an inhaler on your lungs, for example, then it’s important to be able to measure exactly what kind of breathing rates you have at any given moment in time.

4) Recover after exercise or illness

You must start to breathe slowly and fully after an episode of exercise or illness. If your breathing rate is too high, it can mean that you aren’t giving yourself enough time to recover properly.

5) See how the weather affects your breathing

If you’re concerned about changes in air quality, then wearing a sensor can give you great insight into this. A sensor will be able to monitor the number of pollutants in your home or wherever else you are spending time, so don’t hesitate to invest in one if environmental concerns are something really important to you.

6) Keep track of medication side effects

Some medications have side effects which directly affect breathing rates! Monitoring every aspect of your health with a good app means that medical professionals will see how this medication is affecting you.

7) Get insightful recommendations

Most mobile health apps will give recommendations based on your previous breathing rates or other information you input into the app. Whether it’s something simple like “Breathe deeply” or a change in medication dosage levels, these apps can help you to stay well and look after yourself from day to day.

There are several great options for monitoring breathing rates using a sensor. Still, if tracking your sleep quality with technology gets too expensive, then there are some alternatives that you could consider trying. Recording your breathing rate manually is also possible by keeping track of the time between breaths over 30 minutes. Once this has been done, simply count the number of breaths in this period to get a rough breathing rate.

You may also want to consider investing in a fitness tracker which will monitor your heart rate and other metrics). These can be great for not only seeing how well you’re recovering after illness or exercise but also to keep track of general health trends over time too.